Changing the Moody Monday Blues to… Meaningful Monday Bliss

Hola Dear Readers,

Today is Monday, which means a lot of tired and very unhappy people going to work or doing something that makes most of us unhappy campers. What if we can change that feeling to a more……positive vibe?

Well, Weird Wisdom to rescue!! I have made this day my semi-mission to have some kind of positive effect on others if you DARE to participate in at least one activity that is listed below to brighten up someone’s day.

Are you ready for the challenge of bringing a ray of sunshine to your Moody Monday… and changing it to a Meaningful Monday.

Here is a few tips to get off to a positive start…

1. Do something that you love, such as writing a blog, taking a walk, or taking a stand on a community issue. Choose your passion and do a small task on Mondays at first and continue to do so on every Monday. If this activity stretches into the rest of the week, go for the GOLD! I see a few smiling faces right about now…..

2. Everyone needs some encouragement, especially on Mondays. If you have a special friend who is going through a tough time, reach out to him or her through a text message, email, or better yet a PHONE CALL. Tell this person how much he or she means to you by sharing a special memory or just being thankful for their friendship. Thank them for being a friend to you.

3. If you have the pretty stationery that you want to use, WRITE a letter to a favorite relative or friend. Tell this person how much you love him or her and how special you feel when they are around. After you finished composing the message, MAIL the letter!! Family and Friends love to get an actual letter they can keep and re-read when they are feeling down on a……MONDAY!!

4. Be there for your family and friends by really listening to them venting about their problems. Do not offer any solutions, unless they ask for your advice. Just being there, listening and being supportive is the best gift that you can give to them. Remember, Actions speaks Louder than any words can.

5. Finally, write down FIVE things that you are grateful for on Monday. If you cannot think up five things, write down one or two things are you are TRULY GRATEFUL right now. If you wrote more than five things, GREAT! Keep going until your mood is peaceful and calm on Monday.

If you have any tips to share on how to have a Meaningful Monday, please share them with me. Shoot me an email at

Have a Meaningful Monday, my loyal Readers.

Author: weirdwisdom4444

I am on a path of self discovery this year as a confused woman trying to figure out what to do with my life's passions. This blog is a place to share ideas and goals to live our best lives. Sorry, Dr. Martha Beck, for using your phrase, you are right on point as always. If you have ideas or questions, please email me at Live Weird, you will have more fun that way. Love always, WeirdWisdom

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