A new goal for the New Year!!

Helo WW,

I am setting a brand new goal to find a new job in 2014. I am employed as a part timer accounting clerk at a major corporation for the last five years. My job will be eliminated at the end of this year due to budget cuts, so the hunt is on for my dream job as a writer is in full swing.

The problem is that I don’t know how I should proceed on this search. Please help and  Happy 2014.

Tired in Torrance

Dear Torrance,

Happy 2014 to you!! Congratulations on the job search.  You are making a new start in an exciting career choice.  I have a few suggestions that will help you to get started on the journey for a new career.

1. Do your research in your chosen field, such as writing. The internet is a treasure trove of of information.  Start researching the opportunities, job duties, and the estimated salary of being a writer.  You can decide to work for a company or be a freelancer.  The opportunities are endless on the internet.

2. Start your own blog about your passion.  Interested in car repairs?  You can write a blog about car repair for beginners.  There is several websites, such as WordPress.com and blogger.com are excellent choices for beginning bloggers.  You can do a quick search and fine a blogging site that fits your writing style.

3. Join LinkedIn and other online employment sites to get information and network with others in your new career field.  LinkedIn.com has several resources for writers that will help you to get started and helpful tips to deal with the ups and downs of being a writer. Facebook and Twitter are another great source of information for new businesses and freelancers.

4.  Get your resume updated and have a trusted friend or colleague to give you honest feedback on it.  You can have an objective viewpoint on what is needed to be added or changed.  You can hire a professional resume writer to polish up your resume and give you tips on what employers are looking for in resumes.

5. Do not quit your current job until you get hired at your dream job.  Many people get so tired of their old job BEFORE they get the official word they are hired in their new job position.  Be patient and hang on in your current job position and leave the former employer on good terms.

6. Volunteer your writing services to get published. You can work for a few hours for free until you find your dream writing job.  Plus you get valuable experience that can be listed on your resume.  That is a win-win for you, your community, and your writing experience.

7.  Be patient with the job search.  This search will take time and effort on your part and there will be times that you will be frustrated with the job search.  Form a support group of friends or colleagues who are looking for the same line of work as you are.  This group can be your cheerleaders when you get interviews and or rejections, can provide valuable insight if the search is leading to dead ends, and can provide networking opportunities. The idea is to keep a positive attitude and KEEP GOING on the search.

8. Develop a support system when you are discouraged and want to give up.  This is very important when you are making any kind of major life change such as a career change. It is very important to have a loving and supportive family and friends being there for your well being during this challenging and exciting time.

9. Find online writing resources for beginning successful writers.  The articles that are out there for writers have important information to help you to get a freeelance job and how to create a writing portfolio.  The articles will list the pay rates, what sites are the best for new writers, and to avoid scams for quick publications and payments.

10.  Celebrate your accomplishments in your life.  If you got that important interview for your dream job, celebrate.  Be grateful for every success and mistake during this time. You  are learning what works and what does not work in the career market. 

Tired in Torrance, please keep in touch about your job search.

Have a  wonderful and prosperous 2014 

Take care,

Weird Wisdom